Eis & Fantasy (Deister)

Food in (Deister)

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Restaurant "Eis & Fantasy" in  (Deister) Foto des Restaurants "Eis & Fantasy" in (Deister)

Informationen zum Eis & Fantasy in (Deister):

Eis & Fantasy is a restaurant located in Hauptstraße 31A, Wennigsen (Deister), Germany. The restaurant offers various amenities, including shopping in-store, takeout, and dining on-site. The ambiance of the restaurant is described as trendy. Only cash payment is accepted. The restaurant has received positive reviews from customers. Guests have complimented the delicious ice cream and the friendly service. They also appreciate the appealing design of the restaurant. Some customers mention that the ice cream is reasonably priced compared to other places. Visitors are encouraged to try different flavors as they are not your typical options. The owner of the restaurant is known for his friendly and humorous personality. The overall value for money is highly regarded by guests. However, some customers feel that the seating area is too small and the plastic cups are not recyclable. Eis & Fantasy is particularly popular for its high-quality ice cream in the region. Visitors are willing to stand in line for this tasty treat, even in the colder months. The staff efficiently handles the crowd, making the wait time manageable. Customers also praise the cleanliness of the restaurant and the accommodating staff. The opening hours of Eis & Fantasy are from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM every day. The restaurant is located near other places of interest, such as Gasthaus Zum Bayerischen Löwen, Averkamp's Grill, and Sosa Frieseursalon / Barber Trends. Overall, Eis & Fantasy offers a delightful experience with its delicious ice cream, attentive staff, and trendy ambiance. It is a must-visit restaurant for ice cream lovers in the Wennigsen area.


Hauptstraße 31A, 30974 Wennigsen (Deister), Deutschland


  • Montag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Dienstag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Mittwoch: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Donnerstag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Freitag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Samstag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.
  • Sonntag: 10:00–22:00 Uhr.

Telefon & Reservierung

Sie können das Restaurant Eis & Fantasy für Reservierungen und Fragen zur Speisekarte unter folgender Telefonnummer erreichen:

+49 5103 1200

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Sehen Sie sich auch folgendes Restaurant an: Nasir-Gastro GmbH Gehrden

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