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AN'S TEA HOUSE An's Tea House is a renowned restaurant located in Göttingen. We take pride in the quality that lies in every detail of our offerings. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our careful selection of ingredients and meticulous preparation methods. At An's Tea House, we handpick the freshest fruits and transform them into fine purees or chop them up to enhance the flavors in our drinks. We believe in using only the highest quality tea, which we switch every hour to ensure the most aromatic taste. Our drinks are made with fresh milk that has just the right amount of creaminess, thanks to its 3.8% fat content. One of the unique features of our drinks is the attractive layered look, where each layer brings a unique flavor. To blend these individual flavors together, we rely on energetic shaking. Additionally, we use our special home recipe to cook the tapioca, resulting in a consistency like no other. Our menu offers a wide variety of delicious beverages. From the classic Brown Sugar Bubble Milk and Strawberry Milk Tea to unique creations like Magic Lychee and Peach Tea Mania, there is something for everyone. We also offer a range of toppings, allowing you to customize your drink and enhance the flavor according to your preferences. If you're interested in joining our franchise program, please reach out to us for more information. Connect with us on social media to stay updated on our latest offerings and promotions. An's Tea House is located at Sonntagstraße 6, 10245 Berlin. You can contact us via email at [email protected] or by phone at 01625777246. Don't forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for more updates. Come and experience the delightful flavors and exceptional quality of An's Tea House. We look forward to serving you soon.
Sie finden auf der Speisekarte keine vegetarischen Gerichte, bei denen auf Fleisch verzichtet wird.
Das Restaurant bietet keine vegane Speisen an, bei denen komplett auf tierische Produkte verzichtet wird.
Sie können bei gutem Wetter die Speisen und Getränke im Außenbereich des Restaurants zu sich nehmen.
Das Restaurant ist in der Regel sehr gut besucht, daher wird eine Reservierung im Vorfeld empfohlen.
Im An's Tea House haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit Karte bargeldlos zu bezahlen.
Das Restaurant bietet einen Lieferservice in Göttingen und Umgebung, Sie können also bequem von zu Hause Essen bestellen.
Das Restaurant hat keinen Ruhetag, Sie können also jeden Tag in der Woche hier das Essen genießen.
Quelle: Für das Restaurant An's Tea House haben insgesamt 1 Nutzer bei uns Informationen angegeben, zuletzt am 29.03.2022.Weender Str. 54, 37073 Göttingen, Deutschland
Sehen Sie sich auch folgendes Restaurant an: Troya Döner Bilk Düsseldorf
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