Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim

Restaurant in Mannheim

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Restaurant "Smiley Foto des Restaurants "Smiley's Pizza Profis" in Mannheim

Informationen zum Smiley's Pizza Profis in Mannheim:

Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim is a restaurant that offers a wide range of delicious food options. They specialize in pizza, pasta, croques, wraps, salads, snacks, and chicken dishes. With over 40 different pizza toppings to choose from, customers can enjoy a variety of flavors. The restaurant prides itself on using fresh ingredients, such as fresh vegetables sourced from local suppliers, pure beef, and 100% Gouda cheese. Their homemade dough is prepared daily in all of their stores. In addition to their tasty menu, Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim also offers an online ordering service for convenient and easy food delivery. Customers can use their smartphone apps or visit their online shop to place their orders. They even have a loyalty program called "Mein Smiley's" that allows customers to collect points with each purchase and redeem them for rewards and discounts. The restaurant also values quality and service. They have been in the business for over 30 years and are known for their high standards. Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim is not only committed to providing delicious food but also to being a responsible employer and partner. They offer job opportunities and training programs, aiming to maintain a motivated and skilled team. To stay updated on discounts and promotions, customers can subscribe to Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim's newsletter. The restaurant also has a strong social media presence, with accounts on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Customers can follow them to stay connected and be informed about the latest news and offers. Overall, the Smiley's Pizza Profis Mannheim restaurant is a popular choice for pizza lovers, offering a wide selection of delicious food options. With their commitment to quality and convenience, they provide a satisfying dining experience for their customers.

Die Preise des Restaurants sind normal und bewegen sich im allgemeinen Durchschnitt.

Wenn Sie Informationen zu den angebotenen Speisen und Gerichten benötigen, oder einen Tisch reservieren möchten, können Sie das Restaurant unter der Telefonnummer +49 621 71880456 erreichen.

Das Restaurant hat keinen Ruhetag, Sie können also jeden Tag in der Woche hier das Essen genießen.


Mannheimer Str. 59-61, 68309 Mannheim, Deutschland


  • Montag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Dienstag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Mittwoch: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Donnerstag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Freitag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Samstag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.
  • Sonntag: 11:00–23:00 Uhr.

Telefon & Reservierung

Sie können das Restaurant Smiley's Pizza Profis für Reservierungen und Fragen zur Speisekarte unter folgender Telefonnummer erreichen:

+49 621 71880456

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