Back to the Roots Montabaur

Restaurant in Montabaur

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Restaurant "Back to the Roots" in  Montabaur Foto des Restaurants "Back to the Roots" in Montabaur

Informationen zum Back to the Roots in Montabaur:

Back to the Roots is currently under construction. The restaurant is working on their website and will be back online soon. Despite this, there are still reviews available from previous guests. According to some guests, the food at Back to the Roots is decent. The Pide is described as delicious, while the pizza is said to be slightly on the soft side. The chicken skewers with fries are also considered satisfactory. However, it is mentioned that the restaurant can get extremely crowded and loud. On the positive side, the staff is praised for being friendly and efficient. They provide quick service and guests do not have to wait long for their drinks. It is recommended to make a reservation. Another review mentions that Back to the Roots is a great place to stop for a meal while traveling. The pizza is highly recommended, and the gyros dish is also praised. The reviewer states that they would fully recommend the restaurant. A first-time guest states that they regret not visiting Back to the Roots earlier. They had a positive experience with the friendly chef and staff. The food is described as fantastic, and the ambiance is deemed great. The guest expresses a desire to return in the future. While the food at Back to the Roots is generally praised, there are some slight criticisms. One review mentions that although the food was delicious and plentiful, the service was a bit slow. However, the staff was attentive and kind. Another point of criticism is the noise level in the restaurant when it is crowded. Overall, the restaurant is highly recommended, and the reviewer intends to visit again. However, not all reviews are positive. One guest was disappointed with the ambiance, describing it as nothing special and somewhat cool. The reviewer also found the food to be overpriced, with a salad being served from a pre-packaged container. Additionally, the reviewer was dissatisfied with the limited drink options, as only large-sized beverages were available. Despite these criticisms, the staff is acknowledged as friendly. Overall, Back to the Roots seems to offer a decent dining experience. The food receives mixed feedback, with some dishes being highly praised while others have room for improvement. The staff appears to be attentive and friendly, providing good service.

Die Preise des Restaurants sind normal und bewegen sich im allgemeinen Durchschnitt.

Das Restaurant bietet keine vegane Speisen an, bei denen komplett auf tierische Produkte verzichtet wird.

Sie können bei gutem Wetter die Speisen und Getränke im Außenbereich des Restaurants zu sich nehmen.

Das Restaurant ist in der Regel sehr gut besucht, daher wird eine Reservierung im Vorfeld empfohlen.

Im Back to the Roots haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit Karte bargeldlos zu bezahlen.

Das Restaurant eignet sich gut für Besuche mit größeren Gruppen.

Auch für einen Besuch mit Kindern ist dieser Ort aufgrund seiner familienfreundlichkeit gut geeignet.

Wenn Sie Informationen zu den angebotenen Speisen und Gerichten benötigen, oder einen Tisch reservieren möchten, können Sie das Restaurant unter der Telefonnummer +49 2602 9998185 erreichen. Alternativ können Sie das Restaurant auch unter folgender Email Adresse erreichen:

Das Restaurant hat 6 Tage in der Woche geöffnet, an denen Sie hier die Gerichte genießen können.

Quelle: Für das Restaurant Back to the Roots haben insgesamt 3 Nutzer bei uns Informationen angegeben, zuletzt am 21.08.2023.


Weserstraße 4, 56410 Montabaur, Deutschland


  • Montag: 12:00–14:00 Uhr, 17:00–01:00 Uhr.
  • Dienstag: Geschlossen.
  • Mittwoch: 12:00–14:00 Uhr, 17:00–01:00 Uhr.
  • Donnerstag: 12:00–14:00 Uhr, 17:00–01:00 Uhr.
  • Freitag: 12:00–14:00 Uhr, 17:00–01:00 Uhr.
  • Samstag: 17:00–01:00 Uhr.
  • Sonntag: 12:00–14:00 Uhr, 17:00–00:00 Uhr.

Telefon & Reservierung

Sie können das Restaurant Back to the Roots für Reservierungen und Fragen zur Speisekarte unter folgender Telefonnummer erreichen:

+49 2602 9998185

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